The Harlow Report

The Harlow Report-GIS

2023 Edition

ISSN 0742-468X
Since 1978
On-line Since 2000

first published week of:   03/06/2023

New Map Covers All Matter in the Universe

by Louise Lerner

Having trouble with your terrain maps, parcel maps, street maps? Try mapping the entire universe.

Scientists have released one of the most precise measurements ever made of how matter is distributed across the universe today.

When the universe began, matter was flung outward and gradually formed the planets, stars, and galaxies that we know and love today. By carefully assembling a map of that matter, scientists can try to understand the forces that shaped the evolution of the universe.

Among other findings, the analysis indicates that matter is not as “clumpy” as we would expect based on our current best model of the universe, which adds to a body of evidence that there may be something missing from our existing standard model of the universe.

 Read full story at University of Chicago